2 NSFW risograph printed digital illustrations I made for the Queer Erotic Mushroom Calendar 2023, a collaboration between 9 international artists, curated by Csilla Hódi and Dorottya Poór .

“The EMC is an art and science-communication publication that lures us towards new ways of intimacies through the myco-taxonomy illustrations of international artists.

The calendar acknowledges life as an inherently queer flow in which we share more with mushrooms than we've been experiencing so far. We see the mushroom fruit bodies as ephemeral artworks of sexuality that liberate reproductive information: while they are popping-up to forward the desire of creating something new they enchante their habitats into exravaganza exhibition sites. The calendar is a place of sensory cross-fertilization of vibrating fungal diversity and our possible ways of relating - to ourselves and other bodies - with care and curiosity.” — excerpt from https://eroticmushroomcalendar.bigcartel.com/

The EMC project is part of the Fair-Y Circles mushroom learning initiative. 

Jelly ear (Auricularia auricula-judae)

Shaggy ink cap (Coprinus Comatus)